Matthew Burns

Matthew Burns

Talent Manager

+64 22 570 0163


Health tech


Listening to metal 🤘🏻


Matthew is a Talent Manager in our Wellington office.

Fresh off the boat back into Wellington, he's spent the last 7 years in London where he was managing a team in the Healthcare IT recruitment space.

Matthew loved his time in the UK, however has slotted right back into working and living in Wellington, other than constantly complaining about the lack of double-glazed windows in the southern hemisphere.

He likes to be thorough in his approach with candidates and clients, and enjoys sitting down with customers to really understand their goals and dreams in the startup and SaaS worlds.

Matthew cares a lot about being upfront and kind in his approach to recruitment - his colleagues in the Wellington office are sick of the phrase "clarity is kindness."

On any given day in the office, you can find Matthew pouring over threads on Stack Overflow or Reddit; or on a rare day where the Welly sun pokes out, he'll be out and about meeting people at a cool cafe.

In his spare time, Matthew can be found crying in front of his computer while watching Aston Villa highlights, or getting slammed to the floor in the middle of a mosh pit at Valhalla.

"Without Ange, I would be broke ;)"

Troy Hammond
Troy Hammond

CEO & Founder


Troy Hammond

Troy Hammond

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